Since I'm new to blogging I don't know all the gadgets and things to put on my blog page, so I'm trying to teach myself and see what the pros out there have on their pages, so bear with me.
It's so interesting to read what everyone is teaching and how they think of such terrific ideas and ways for their students to learn. I have a renewed sense of hope that perhaps many of you are not getting bogged down by all the testing most of us are required to do now days. As I start my new year in a couple of weeks I know that I will have to start our district testing (CELDT and Dibels) which I dread because of the amount of time it takes away from my students, but I will keep in mind the information I gain from these test as well as all of the wonderful primary teachers out there who push through the testing sessions and just have fun teaching.
I just visited a site by Ms. A at She had a couple of terrific freebies on working with the short vowels and a number/color/counting activity. I have added them to a binder I have set up for small group activities/Workshop/Work Station time. The binder came from another teacher I found while blogging, her blog site, is called She has pages set up with various phonemic awareness and phonics titles. Once you find some activity relating to that topic you just add your idea behind that title. As she suggested I have put all my titles in sheet protectors and any ideas behind the title.
I though I might share an organization tool. I use. All through my years of teaching it's been easier for me to remember my students first names. Now, if I have 2-3 students with the same first name (which has happened) I fore sure learn those students last name. Believe you me I do learn every ones last name eventually, but I don't find it to be that critical particularly in the beginning of the year. Everything I do from my cubbies/mailboxes, to my grade book, homework folders, to classwork is put in alphabet order by first name. No biggy if someone leaves. I just add them to the bottom of my grade book sheet and on my cubbies. I might shift every one's cubby/mailbox up or over one (HINT: their fist names are velcroed onto the cubbies/mailboxes, so it's easy to move).
HINT: Here's my fast way to get students names in alphabetical order by first names. At the beginning of the year I put everybodies name on an excel spreed sheet then I click the button to sort and "walah" everybody is in order by first name. I make a second spreed sheet with last names first and I click the sort button and "walah" I have my second sheet in order by last names. I keep these sheets particularly the first name order and make copies to be used a check list for various things I need through the year. Having students in order by first name is also easier for my aide or parent helpers (if I was ever so lucky to have one) to use when calling students, checking in homework etc. Now I do have to get my students in alphabetical order by last name for our lunch line, cums, and emergency cards, so that's why I make the second sheet sorted by last names.
Many a time I don't have help, so by having everything by first name I find it to be much faster for me to sort and stay organized. I know many out there do the number system, but I find first name order works for me. An added bonus is that I have found my students catching on to the idea of ABC order by using their first names.
Well here's to Saving Time and thanks for reading.
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