Saturday, November 10, 2012

A 4 day week with 3 minimum days and 24 parents conferences, right before Thanksgiving, Help!!!

Have you ever had a week where you were wondering how you would get it all done?  That week is coming up for me.  Next week is a four day week for us.  Sounds good right but we also have Parent Teacher conferences and three of our days are minimum days (which means we get out early, sounds good but just before Thanksgiving break with 3 furlough days, Ugh!).  I still have to teach our Treasures reading program (last week of Unit 2).  Continue with math patterning and geometrical shapes (as per our grade level pacing plan).  Then if there's time, try to get some Thanksgiving information and activities in.  My dilemma, how do I do everything?  I guess we all run into weeks even days when this happens.  My mantra is "do my best and move on".

In order for me to enjoy my Thanksgiving Holiday break and take some pressure off me during Parent Teacher conferences (because those conferences allow me zero time to prep) I decided this past week to prepare and set up my materials for the week we return from the holiday.  In all honesty I try and have one to two weeks of materials/lessons prepared ahead of time. I have never been one to work on the fly.  If you try this you may find it's very easy to tweek and change or move things to other days or even to another week when things pop up.  Best of luck.

Thanks for reading and have a GREAT day. 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

All About Me Writing Activity for first grade with 2nd language learners

I have a class of 24 students of which 17 are limited English speakers.  For that reason it takes me a while to teach writing.  I have to take many more steps than I would if my class was all English speakers. 

This activity was a fun write for all my students.  It took a few days but that's how it is with second language learners.  I also use a lot of scaffolding which helps everyone. 

DAY 1:  We start off with a circle Map (written on chart paper). 
The smaller center circle says:  
                                                          Things I Can Do
                                                                  I Can.......

I have the bigger circle left blank so my students could give me about 8-10 things they can do.  What ever they came up with I write on the circle map with yellow sticky notes.  We review whole class all the things once I had gotten the 8-10 items they said.

That night I go home and google image most of the items they had suggested and add a couple of my own.  I write each item on a word card and glue the image/picture I had found next to it.  (ex:  walk, run, jump, draw, put on a costume, read, learn etc.)

DAY 2:  We go over our circle map saying the phrase, "I can ____." and used every word or phrase on the circle map they had suggested the day before.  

 I then introduced our Communication Guide (written on a separte sheet of chart paper) (we used similar guides when I taught Into English; an English as a Second Language Program).   We use the Commication Guide by filling in the blanks. I also have Closings written out on chart paper (see below).  

I do an example first using the Communication Guide.   I use sticky notes for my/their name and put it right in the blank.  Then I have a sticky note that says boy or girl and I/they put it in the next blank.  Lastly I grab 2 things from our circle map relating to what I/they can do.  I also tell them they must choose a closing to end the writing. 

Once we have practiced filling in the Communication Guide whole class with me showing them how I would do it, I then have 2-3 students come up one at a time and complete the Communication Guide.

Day 3:  Begins by reviewing both the Circle Map and the Communication Guide, as well as the Closings.  Then again 2-3 students come up one at a time to fill in the Communication Guide to show how it's done.  Then I have the class turn to a partner and orally read the Communication Guide filling in the blanks as we have been practicing.  They then switch and the other partner reads theirs orally looking on the Communication Guide on the chart paper.

                          All About Me
         My name is ________________________.  I am
a _____________.  I can______________. 
I can ________________.

 Closings (they must choose one to end their writing):

1.  I am awesome.
2.  I am wonderful.
3.  I am _______.

DAY 3 or 4: We do a few more samples moving words into the All About Me communication guide and then I show them how to write it on special paper. The paper I use has name and date on top, a box for a picture and then lines to write their All About Me story. They must copy the communication guide: All About Me inserting their name, if they are a boy or girl and their own choice of words (from the circle map) for what they can do. And then a closing.

I do teach them that their title must be on the first line in the middle of the picture.  They need to have a three finger indent for their topic sentence.  I show them they must write to the end of each line and then start a new line at the margin.  Finally they must have a closing.  I do remind them their picture must relate to what they write.

This may seem like a very detailed process but many of my students are just in their second year of learning English if they went to Kindergarten, so their writing skills are not the best yet, but we'll  get there!!!!


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Quit while your ahead

        Today I received a new student from Mexico right in the middle of my Treasures' first grade Reading Comprehension Lesson (a story about Roberto Clemente).  I had to stop to talk to his mom and grandmother quickly about:  My parent packet, his homework, does he have lunch money, and where to pick him up when school ends.  I also had to tell her today is our early day we get out at 1:19 but the rest of the days we leave at 2:19.  I am doing all this in the best Spanish I have, but the reason I decided to write this evening is because I feel it's important to understand this 10/15 minutes I lost talking to my new student's parent resulted in me having to just STOP my lesson and just forget about it.  The moment was gone.  Sometimes it is hard for us to realize when to stop, but it's best to just quit.  If you think about it there will be plenty of lessons in your Reading series that accomplish the skills that you were teaching.  So don't feel guilty, just STOP when you feel you've lost your students or the moment.  I did today and things went more smoothly for me and I wasn't as frustrated as I would have been if I had continued. 

Tomorrow is another day!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Word Family Neighborhood

Here's a quick easy way to do the Word families all year long.  Each week I cover one word family.  I usually use the word family that is on the Daily Oral Language worksheet that week but, you can go in any order you choose.

All I do is make a house and at the top of the house I write the word family that we are covering.  Then I ask my students to come up with words in that family and I write them inside the house.  If I am in a drawing mood I try my best to put a picture by the word.  Sometimes the words may not have a picture I can draw, so I don't and sometimes I just write the word with no picture because I feel they can read without the scaffold.  It's all up to you.  We go over these words throughout the year whenever we have a minute or two. 

I line the neighborhood up on the wall.  The students see our neighborhood grow.  During Open House my students must read one house of words to their parents.  At the end of the year I take them down (the houses or apartments) and let each child take one home.  They love it.

Here is a  close up of one but I can't figure out how to rotate my picture, sorry about that. I hope you don't mind turning your head.

Have a terrific tomorrow!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

31 High Frequency Words Cards added to my TPT store!

Well I finally had some time in between cooking up some carrot cake cupcakes for our Family Reunion tomorrow to up load the High Frequency words cards I use for the Treasures Start Smart Lessons.  They can be found in my Teachers Pay Teachers store.  Just click on the TPT button and type in my name (Cindy Tirado) to check them out.

I have been trying to make the pieces I have found to be missing in the Treasures Reading Program our district chose to adopt last year.  I quickly wrote up cards on the white blank word cards last year and have now choosen to make them a little nicer or prettier.  I thought well if I can use them perhaps there are others out there that would like them too. 

I am still eventually going to try and teach myself how to put an item I've made on my blog, but just haven't had the time to research since school started. 

Most of my first grade team has been busy Dibels testing our first graders.  How do you keep 5-6 years olds busy and not needy for you while you test?  It seems to be every first grade teachers issue particularly at the beginning of the year.  I have started this year with an easy once a day center rotation.  This idea comes from one of my fellow first grade teachers and she has used this rotation in other grades too.  Basically our rotation starts once the aide arrives.  I stop what ever I am doing and go into our Easy Rotation for Language Centers.  For each group at this point in the year I have a leader (that is one of my better students).  They help run the activity, pass out materials, etc.

Language Centers
1.  Aide:  works with a group on Phonemic awarness or phonics skill activities or games
2.  Students work at tables practicing their spelling words.  They can copy their words three times each on white boards, a student can dictate the spelling words (almost like giving their group a spelling test) and the others write down the word.  There are so many activities that can be done here.  Make words using magnetic letters, stamping ink letters, using letter tiles etc.
3.  Students play the a game where they must say the High Frequency word that is flashed to them by the leader.  If the say it correctly they get to keep it, if not it goes to the bottom of pile.  Once the pile is gone whom ever has the most cards wins.  They also play the game that puts all the cards in a pile.  Leader start first and picks a card if he/she can say he /she keeps it, if not it goes to the bottom of the pile.  It continues until there are not cards left.  Whom ever has the most wins.  (In both games the leaders can usually help the group with the words that is missed, so hopefully by the next time they see it someone will remember it).
4.  Another group is playing an Alphabet game.
5.  The last group is doing a daily packet with a variety of worksheets.  Pages could be:  writing their first and last name, copying their spelling words, Daily oral language, Daily oral math, perhaps a phonics page, and a math page (if they complete their packet they may read a book).!

Doing it this way I am free to Assess my students for a least 30 minutes. 

Something else I do and I found it while reading blogs this summer is turn on a little camping lantern (I wish I could give the person who came up with this idea some credit, but I don't know who it was), if the lantern is on it means "do not bother me" because I  am working with someone.  It works very well. 

Well, Happy Labor Day everyone and perhaps you'll be able to sleep in a little.  I know I will.

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Update on my (see red) Name tags that last!!!

Last year we were ask to have our first graders line up in alphabetical order for lunch and make sure they had name tags.  So I decided to do something different and it lasted because I am using them again this year.  I do recommend you reinforce the opening on the plastic ID badge for the lanyard with clear packing tape or the fancy duck tape and then re cut or whole punch the hole for the lanyard (You can hole punch through packing tape but duck tape you may need to slice an opening).  For me spending a bit of money first off has saved me time and NO more word cards on roving/yarn!!!!  So it's time to share. 

Now you will have to spend a little money, but if you don't have to keep doing roving/yarn necklaces attached to word cards maybe you'll want to try this. 

I purchased from Staples but you can get at any office supply:  2 packages of the blue lanyards (12 for about $9.50) and 1 package of ID badge holders that attach to the lanyards (50 for about $20).  Then I got some Shipping Labels from Avery (8163).

I set up in Microsoft Word (labels) and printed my labels with my students first and last name, my name and room number, (that's what our cafeteria wanted) but you can put what ever you need or want on your name cards.  I cut a 3 x 5 card in half and put the label on it.  Then, I slipped the card into the name badge and walah!  A lasting name badge. 

How do I use them in my class:  I put my badges on my kidney table in the morning.  My students know that if they need to buy a lunch they need to get their necklace and put it on their desk.  When we go to lunch they put it on.  Once they get their lunch and are seated I come and collect their necklaces.  I do not want them to take them out to play.  That's it!

Have a terrific week and here's to saving time!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

TeachersPayTeachers SALE for 2 days (Aug. 12,13) plus my store has a 20% off sale too, Use PROMO code BTS12

Hello I have learned that Teachers Pay Teachers only has a few sales a year and today Aug. 12 and tomorrow Aug. 13 are one of those sales.  As my title today says not only do they have a discount on items but so do I in my store.  Everything in my store is 20% off.  Hit the Teachers Pay Teachers button on my blog and it will take you to my store.  It's a small store but you get a lot of bang for your buck.  Why not get a few new things at a discount to start off your year or add to it if you've already started with some terrific items from me and others.  I know for I'll be shopping as soon as I'm done here. 

I've been teaching a long time and get bored with some of my things and I like to jazz up my mood when teaching with new stuff for cheap and pay a teacher instead of a publishing company (for double/triple the price).  All of us are teaching pretty much the same things so it's nice to utilize someone elses brain and as my Blog title says, "Save Time in First Grade", or any grade really!

Enjoy shopping and thanks for reading.  Have a terrific day and SAVE YOURSELF SOME TIME.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Well slowly but surely I am learning how to set up my blog.  I wonder is there a blogging for Dummies out there?

Today I finished another Treasures Reading Program packet.  It is a First grade Sight Word packet for Units 1-6.  It has all the words for each of the 5 weeks covered in these units.  I have combined weeks due to some weeks not having very many words.  This packet is useful for any reading program too.  Read the sheet in class or send it home.  Each sheet has groups of Sight words your child should read quickly.  Then you can keep score for 5 days and see how they improve.  When used in class, I say to my students, "read as fast as a jet".  They love it!

I have uploaded them in a PDF version or Microsoft publisher version.  They are available on TPT or

I have also added a PDF version of my Treasures Sight Words for Start Smart weeks 1 - 3.  It too is on my Store at TPT or

To access my store once your on their website:  please just type in my name on the search button:  Cindy Tirado  It should take you to my store. 

I am new to blogging so I don't know yet how to embed all the buttons and things to get you right to my store, sorry about that.  Perhaps I will figure it out one of these days.

Thanks for reading and here's to Saving Time!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

A Few Tips to a Great New Year

My goal this week was to get into my classroom for only a couple of days and do a much set up as I could.  I entered my classroom and tried to remember where I shoved everything 6 weeks ago.  Let me tell you the older you get and the longer you teach the harder it is to remember where you shoved things for the summer break.  Every closet is a surprise, Ha Ha.  Then I see all of things I need to unload and put back in their places.  Sooooo Fun!  Not!!

My goal when I write here is to share experiences but also I like to share a tip or two that may save you time.

This year I was lucky no one used my room as in the past, so here's a great tip if you can do it:  set up your room with your beginning of the year bulletin boards and charts/posters prior to leaving. 

I have never been one to have every inch of my room decorated.  Tip:  it's O.K. to keep your room simple.  Why? because, I have found it hard for the students to focus and settle down when a room is too busy with stuff everywhere. Kids only notice things for a while and then it gets ignored.  So for my boys and girls basic charts/posters are up:  numbers with number words, colors with color words, my poem of the week, homework chart, and behavior chart.  These charts I've made and are scaffolds.  I scale them to just words later in the year.  Don't get me wrong as the year progresses I add things to our room environment we have created as a class, or relates to our theme.  These seem to be more meaningful to all.  Finally, my last tip don't be afraid to get rid of (put away) things your class won't be using anymore.  It's O.K.

Well best of luck to those who are starting next week and if not continue to enjoy your summer break. 

Thanks for reading and here's to saving time.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Only try a couple of new things at a time when starting a new year.

I have seen so many fun ideas and activities that I would love to do with my new first graders this coming year, but I have also learned through my many years of teaching that you should only try a few new things at a time. If you change too much it can become overwhelming and at least for me my room won't run as smoothy and flow as I like it. Like last year my district introduced us to the Treasures Reading Program and the Dibles Assessments. I really did not do much new in my classroom except to learn the ins and outs of both Treasures and Dibles. Now this up comming year with those two programs sort of under my belt, I can now tweek Treasures to meet my students needs adding activities/centers, and lessons. After using Dibles I now know I need to have things to keep my students occupied for a certain amount of time so I can do the one on one testing. So I'm thinking this year I'll try and add more focussed literacy and math centers as well as trying out some whole brain teaching techniques ( Why do I mention this? Well many teachers I know want to try so many things they see others doing that seem to be working (including me). So I always suggest (and have to remind myself) run your class the way you are comfortable then if you see something new you like go ahead and add it. If it works perfect, use it, but if it doesn't or your not comfortable with it dump it and go back to your old stuff. You will feel better and be less stressed. Lord knows we are stressed enough with all our current challenges in teaching now days. So as the statement say, "Keep it simple". Do what works for you and gets your students learning. Here's to saving time. Thanks for reading

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Word Sort Cards for Units 1 -6 for Treasures Reading Program First Grade

Wow! I finally finished the Words Sort cards for Macmillian/McGraw-Hill Treasures Reading program First Grade. They are at my TPT Store (Teacher Pay Teacher), just type in the search my name Cindy Tirado and my store will come up. Last year when we had to implement this reading program I found there were a lot of materials, but they had no cards to use for the sorting lesson during the Phonics/Spelling portion of the Weeks lesson. All last year each week I quickly wrote the words on 3 x 5 index cards, what a pain! Now they are are ready just download, print, laminate, and cut. By the way if you don't use Treasures reading program they are terrific words sorts to add to any Reading lesson and or center. Thanks for reading and here's to saving time!

Friday, July 27, 2012

     Since I'm new to blogging I don't know all the gadgets and things to put on my blog page, so I'm trying to teach myself and see what the pros out there have on their pages, so bear with me.

      It's so interesting to read what everyone is teaching and how they think of such terrific ideas and ways for their students to learn.  I have a renewed sense of hope that perhaps many of you are not getting bogged down by all the testing most of us are required to do now days.  As I start my new year in a couple of weeks I know that I will have to start our district testing (CELDT and Dibels) which I dread because of the amount of time it takes away from my students, but I will keep in mind the information I gain from these test as well as all of the wonderful primary teachers out there who push through the testing sessions and just have fun teaching.

     I just visited a site by  Ms. A at She had a couple of terrific freebies on working with the short vowels and a number/color/counting activity.  I have added them to a binder I have set up for small group activities/Workshop/Work Station time.  The binder came from another teacher I found while blogging, her blog site, is called  She has pages set up with various phonemic awareness and phonics titles.  Once you find some activity relating to that topic you just add your idea behind that title.  As she suggested I have put all my titles in sheet protectors and any ideas behind the title.

        I though I might share an  organization tool. I use.  All through my years of teaching it's been easier for me to remember my students first names. Now, if I have 2-3 students with the same first name (which has happened) I fore sure learn those students last name. Believe you me I do learn every ones last name eventually, but I don't find it to be that critical particularly in the beginning of the year.   Everything I do from my cubbies/mailboxes, to my grade book, homework folders, to classwork is put in alphabet order by first name.  No biggy if someone leaves.  I just add them to the bottom of my grade book sheet and on my cubbies.  I might shift every one's cubby/mailbox up or over one (HINT: their fist names are velcroed onto the cubbies/mailboxes, so it's easy to move).
     HINT:  Here's my fast way to get students names in alphabetical order by first names.  At the beginning of the year I put everybodies name on an excel spreed sheet then I click the button to sort and "walah" everybody is in order by first name.  I make a second spreed sheet with last names first and I click the sort button and "walah" I have my second sheet in order by last names.  I keep these sheets particularly the first name order and make copies to be used a check list for  various things I need through the year.  Having students in order by first name is also easier for my aide or parent helpers (if I was ever so lucky to have one) to use when calling students, checking in homework etc.   Now I do have to get my students in alphabetical order by last name for our lunch line, cums, and emergency cards, so that's why I make the second sheet sorted by last names.
    Many a time I don't have help, so by having everything by first name I find it to be much faster for me to sort and stay organized.  I know many out there do the number system, but I find first name order works for me.  An added bonus is that I have found my students catching on to the idea of ABC order by using their first names.

Well here's to Saving Time and thanks for reading.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Well woke up with a terrible stiff neck today.  I can't figure out why.  I'm not working and I'm still on summer break!  Anyhow I'm icing it and taking Mortin.

Today I upload my first download for Teacher Pay Teacher.  It's called Number Tickets 1 to 30.  Please check it out, it's free!  I started using them last year in my classroom when I needed to check student's work.  I laminated and cut these numbers apart.  Then I put them in a cup near our calendar board.  When the kiddos finished their "must do" work they would take a ticket, keep the ticket at their seat, and listen for their number to be called.  Then I would check their work.  This stopped me from having long lines of kiddos waiting to get work checked.  I also found these tickets had many more uses.  You could use them for  Math skills such as sequencing numbers or a math center (run two sets and make a memory game).  Again,  check it out on Teacher Pay Teacher. 

Thanks for reading and here's to Saving Time in First Grade!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Less than a month left before I'm back to a new class of little guys and gals.  Decided it was a good time to give another tip.  For each student I give them a plastic sheet protector with a colored piece of construction paper inside.  I cut the construction paper a little smaller so it goes inside easier.  That way there is a front and back to their sleeve.  I call the sheet protector their "plastic sleeve".  Now this  idea came from my own children's first grade teacher ten years ago .  At that time I swas bumped out of Kindergarten and switched to first grade and I've used it ever since. 

Inside that plastic sleeve I put a name card (that I have laminated and written their first and last name on with permanent marker.  HINT:  if the student leaves you can erase the marker with a Kleenex and high powered alcohol and reuse).  They also have to put their weekly behavior chart under their name card. I would also give them a small hundreds chart but this year instead I will give them a 8 1/2 by 11 card that will go in the back of their plastic sleeve. It has the alphabet with pictures, color words, coins (picture, name, and amount), number words, a hundreds chart, and charts with counting by 2's, 5's, and 10's (it was created by  This one sheet will be a super reference for my students.  This plastic sleeve also will hold the raffles ticket they earn.

How do I use the plastic sleeve or sheet protector?  Basically it stays on top of their desk, but if I need the desk cleared it can go right inside the desk or in those seat pockets that fit on the back of students chairs.  I have table desk where two students sit next to each other and we have a space underneath that holds their books and crayon baskets. I like the plastic sleeve or sheet protector  left on top of their desk because:
1.  it denotes their space.
2.  it  helps substitutes see a student's name and where they sit
3.  if a student has not finished their work they are to leave it under their plastic sleeve.  This way I avoid papers being crammed into their desk never to be seen again and I can see who needs to finish their work.
3.  and finally to be honest in the beginning of the year I need it for my own remembering of my students names and seats.

You may ask does it fall off the desk?  Yep, but what doesn't in first grade.

Have a terrific day and lets save ourselves some time,

Thursday, July 12, 2012

      Well I haven't written anything in a while because I'm not sure any ones reading, but that's O.K.
I decided to write another easy simple tip I use for my students to use the restroom.  My school highly recommends 2 students go to the restroom at a time (2 boys, 2 girls).  This is basically for safety reasons.  I as many don't have an inside restroom, so my students must leave the room.  Anyhow, they take a necklace that hangs either on the doorknob, my chart rack, or a nail put somewhere near the door they use.  You decide where it works best.  When they need the restroom (in my classroom they must ask permission) each student going must take a necklace and wear it to the restroom.  That way I know I only have 2 students out at a time.  They also don't have to deal with where do I put the pass when I'm using the bathroom, washing my hands, and it usually doesn't get lost (never say never).  My students quickly learn when the necklaces aren't there then they can't use the bathroom and have to wait until their classmates return. 

      All I use are the colorful beaded Mardi gras necklaces that you can find a Party Supply Stores such as Party City ( or Oriental Trading Company ( You can get a lot of necklaces for cheep, so if one breaks (and they do), that sad face that has to tell you the necklace broke turns into a smile when you say, "it's O.K. sometimes it happens" and then you pull out another.  Now, if the necklace breaks because it wasn't being used properly well you know that's a whole other issue and you'll deal with that as we all do.

Have a terrific day and thanks for reading,

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Dear Fellow Teachers,

I am all about saving time, so if I have something that works why re-invent it .  I’m all about time management.  I’ve been teaching for 34 years and have been through many cycles in teaching. I have been open to learning new things and love reading about the new and exciting things everyone is doing.  I feel I have many things I have developed and can share.  It is such a compliment when someone uses what I’ve created.  So here I go, I hope you enjoy having one thing less to do.
I do Daily packets for my first graders and it is a Must Do for Monday -Thursday.  (On Fridays they have an Assessment Packet, that is made up of skills learned during the week, a Spelling test, and one of the Daily Oral Language and Math worksheet we did during the week.) 
Each Daily packet contains:
1.  A spelling worksheet:  my students start their day by coping their ten spelling words and two sentences from the white board  (I teach in a low socioeconomic area with a 95% second language learner population, majority of my students don't practice their spelling at home, so this is how I have had to compensate).
2. A Daily Oral Language /Daily Oral Math sheet:   I have cut these in 1/2 and put a language and math sheet on one page . (Hint:  In the beginning of first grade I really have to go over these sheets in my morning review of what their doing that day in their packet.  I may do exact examples on my white board so when they go back to their seats they have to remember what to do.  It does take a bit of time, but after a while they'll be working on their own.  The Key is patience.  Also later in my day I check this page whole class.
3.  I add a phonics page or two (usually what we're covering that week).
4.  A math page (usually what we're covering that week).
Really you can add anything your covering to this Daily packet. 

Important:  I do check this daily packet each day with each of my 24 -27 students.  Call me crazy! but they do get immediate feedback.  Plus the packets go home so parents can see exactly how their children are doing and perhaps where they need to practice. You may be wondering can't a parent volunteer or aide help.   I rarely if ever have parent volunteers.  (Most of my parents work, have little children, and/or don't speak English).  Yes, once in a while I can use my aide, but most of the time I need to use her during my Universal Access Time for small group instruction.  Unfortunately we don't always get aides at the right time either.  I may have my aide for 30 mins. but 10-15 of those mins. my students are at recess.  So it's up to me most of the time.  Now also if my students don't finish this packet (and they have plenty of time throughout their work day),  they may take it  home to finish and then can return it completed for a raffle ticket.  (Do I always get their work back?  Of course not.)

Time Saving Tip:
I always keep one copy of the Daily packet  and Friday Assessment for myself and I put it in a folder Labeled :  Week 1, 2, 3 etc.   I keep it from year to year.  How it works is simply locate my File Folder for the Week of school we are on and just pull that week out and look at last years work.  Now as you go through the years you change text books and grades, so things have to be tweaked of course, but over all I've used it in every grade I've taught and it works perfect.  Bottom line it saves me time.  I also do a weekly homework packet. I send a homework packet on Friday and it needs to be returned on the following Friday. That too goes in that weeks folder for reference for the next year.
Here's to Saving time,